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Our Expertise

“The difficulty lies not in the new ideas, but in escaping the old ones.”-John Maynard Keynes
Strategy & Organization

Missouri Sports Turf consulting offers services based on your wants and needs.  We are able to serve our customers in a variety of ways.


-Site visits for observation & problem solving 


- Short term planning for support & solutions to solve specific immediate challenges with athletic fields


- Long term maintenance planning with ideas & recommendations to increase durability,

strength & playability


Managing sports fields in ways that maximize the environmental benefits, while at the same time minimizing the negative impacts to the natural environment. The environmental benefits of a well-maintained stand of turfgrass are well documented.  Maintaining healthy grass and surrounding landscape plants may be the best thing you can do as a sports field manager, environmentally speaking.


Missouri Sports Turf Consulting’s complete real time NDVI turf scouting solutions enables us to capture detailed plant health data, process it and deliver it to you to make decisions based off of highly precise on-field data in real time. 


Our system can help you optimize water usage, pesticide, fungicides, and fertilizer treatments while maximize the performance of your turf. We provide you with the information you need to make better decisions about your facility.


Integrated Pest Management

Integrated pest management (IPM) is a broad-based approach that integrates practices for economic control of pests. IPM aims to suppress pest populations below the economic injury level (EIL). This includes managing insects, plant pathogens and weeds.

An IPM regime can be simple or sophisticated. Historically, the main focus of IPM programs was on agricultural insect pests. Although originally developed for agricultural pest management, IPM programmes are now developed to encompass diseases, weeds and other pests that interfere with management objectives for sites such as residential and commercial structures, lawn and turf areas, and home and community gardens.



At Missouri Sports Turf consulting we believe in a "from the ground up" approach, literally.  Healthy soils make for healthy turf.  By implementing maintenance and fertility plans based on science, we can help you achieve your goals for healthier athletic fields.


Bluemuda  & Zero Transition Turf

What is Zero Transition Turf and is it right for you?  Have you heard of Bluemuda? This mix is a concept that was developed and refined by Brian Winka CSFM for athletic fields in the transition zone.  By thinking outside of the box and using sound agronomic practices, he was able to develop a system that provides a safe and consistent playing surface year round.

The concept allows managers to grow warm and cool season grasses together year round and avoid the headaches associated with the transition zone.  This practice has many benefits including a long term solution for your athletic fields, less time and money spent on overseeding year after year, and no more costly applications to transition ryegrass out of bermudagrass.  Other benefits include better wear tolerance, improved playability and better color year round.

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